Sunday, January 24, 2010

Good Karma

As I continue to try to make this blog interesting, I developed this habit of just browsing through Etsy and look for items that seem to reflect my mood during writing.  Of course, I  contact the owner of the photo first before using it.  Plus, I make sure to include a link to their shop.  It costs me nothing and I don't ask any compensation or exchange deals.  Come on, we're all on the same boat here --- no advertising budget!  If the item caught my attention, I'll definitely post it. 

Anyway, last week I got two messages from fellow Etsian, asking permission to use a certain photo for their blog.  I felt so flattered and happy!  Not only did they help me advertise that day, who wouldn't want  free exposure right?  These complete strangers had brightened my day and given me some support.  I felt so blessed! 

Though the idea of asking compensation for features and ad space still swirl at the back of my head, I promised not to do so.  Sometimes just being nice gives enough karma that no amount of money can buy. 

Check this out:

1 comment:

  1. That's great! It's always so nice when someone emerges from the huge ocean that is Etsy to single out your good work. I like your approach to featuring other artists; it's something I try to do too. Of course, I usually end up buying too much stuff as a result . . . :)
